1. Fill in the gaps.
My name is Mister Sausage. I live in Madrid. The _________ and _________ of Madrid are 40 degrees, 24 minutes, 0 seconds, North, and 3 degrees, 41 minutes, 0, seconds, West. It is a __________ city. I study __________ at Hot Sausage University. This place is as _________ as my grandmother. In order to get some money, I work as a plumber. You need many _______ to be a good plumber. On vacations, I always go to a nice town near a ________ in Barcelona. Once, I found a treasure by following the _________of the river. Someone told me about that. It was a _______ that is my pet now. I hope you like my story.
1. Write a brief story (50-60 words) about how Mister Sausage and the pigeon met each other.
2. Draw a picture of Mister Sausage´s grandmother.